New DEMOGRAPHICS Data Indicator: Institutionalized Veteran Population by State

The Military Family Research Institute (MFRI) at Purdue University added a new data indicator to Measuring Communities’ Demographics domain: the Institutionalized Veteran Population by State.
As users of data may know, some datasets are especially difficult to find. One important dataset that falls in this category is the institutionalized population.
According to the
U.S. Census Bureau, the institutionalized population includes, “the population residing in institutional group quarters, such as adult correctional facilities, juvenile facilities, skilled-nursing facilities, and other institutional facilities.”
MFRI, then, mined this data as it applies to the veteran population across the country. In the Demographics domain on Measuring Communities, users can now identify the institutionalized veteran population in their state, as it compares to the nonveteran counterpart population and across the last five years of time. Users can explore, for example:
The total veteran institutionalized group quarters population
The veteran population living in skilled nursing facilities
The veteran population living in adult correctional facilities
Read more here about specific U.S. Census Bureau definitions as they apply to the institutionalized population.